Royal Canin Fit 32 Review
I have a cat and her name is Christina. She is the most cheerful and active cat I have ever seen. She stays at home when I am at the office. At home, I have a helper who takes care of Christina all the time. One day, due to some domestic emergency, my helper took a day off. I couldn’t even stay home due to work emergencies. Christina was left home alone.
When I came home that evening, I searched the entire place but could not find Christina. It had been an hour; I kept on searching for her in every corner and under every bed. After searching for her for 4 continuous hours, me and my neighborhood as well, I lost hope of getting her back.
But miraculously she returned after a week. I was happy and excited to have her back. After a while, I noticed that I started to limp and used to meow unnecessarily. I took her to the vet. The vet told me that she had a terrible fall and the limping was because of a fracture in her leg. I was shocked and felt terrible. The vet asked me to calm down and prescribed some medicines for my cat and suggested Royal Canin Fit 32 cat food for Christina.
It’s been six months since that incident. I am still feeding her Royal Canin Fit 32. Unlike before, she now easily picks up the kibble and enjoys her food more than ever. Her fracture has gradually healed since I introduced this cat food for her. Christina doesn’t limp any more and she is totally fit and active. This cat food also helps in maintaining the cat’s ideal weight. I can just go on and on talking about this product. ? I am SOOO HAPPYYYY For Christina.