How To Potty Train A Puppy Fast
“How to potty train a puppy” is definitely a question every pet owner come up to us with. Without stretching the introduction- scroll down to know how to potty train a dog quickly.
I might add here- and this may come as a disappointment to those who try “house training a puppy in 5 days” or “how to potty train a puppy in 7 days” (some even search 3 days!)- “toilet training” a puppy does takes time. But here is how you can potty-train your puppy fast and best.
Understanding Your Puppy:
Before starting the potty training session, you need to know your puppy better. The breed of your puppy matters at the first place. The small breeds obviously come with a smaller package. Thus, their pee-poo frequency would be greater than the larger breeds. So expecting your tiny Chihuahua to control its bladder until the end of the day?- absurd.
Another factor to keep in mind is that if the pup you bring home is adopted, training would take longer. You might need some decent enough time to transform the habits that the pup might have picked.
Also, know that puppies in their initial months have the least control over excretory processes- obviously. It would take time for them to have better control. For this reason, they might not be good at potty training in the initial months.
However, it is important to start training pups early, so they get accustomed to the place and habits. What’s more, delaying the training and letting them go at home tends to make them used to it, particularly due to the smell. This is a common mistake that pet parents make. Later on, even though they take their pups out, they just roam around and once they are back home, they will defecate or urinate at the place where the smell is and they are accustomed to.
To Begin With –
Limit The Access :
Since puppies can’t be trained when they are too young, you need to limit his access- especially to bedroom or such places where you definitely don’t want accidents to happen. The place you choose for the pup should be thoughtful though. It should be such that you can easily see and notice him. A sectioned space or a small room is a good go. Even better if you choose the space that can easily be cleaned.
Don’t Punish :
Understand that punishing puppies for accidents indoor would just be like punishing an infant for spoiling the diaper. The pup would hardly understand why you are mad. In fact, you’ll probably end up scaring him, which may even lead the pup to hide away when it wanna go poo, instead of signalling you that he wants to go.
Starting The Potty-Training :
Interrupt And Guide Out :
Don’t scream. Soon as you notice your pup urinating or defecating indoors, just make a sound to startle (“No” or any such) and interrupt, and guide the pup to outdoors. Though this might not work every time, especially while he’s defecating, making the same startling sound would get hold of his attention and convey your disapproval of the same.
Clean Right Away :
Not only is it important for health and hygiene reasons, but can even help training puppy. By getting rid of the odour in that region, your pup won’t be attracted to that same place when he wants to go again. Using an ammonia-free cleaner is recommended since it is the strong smell of ammonia in urine that attracts pups and help them know their territory. On the other hand, using training pads sprayed with ammonia would help you guide the pup to do his pee-poop business there.
Areion Vet ENVUROL is a reliable product that you can use for removing the odour completely as well as for disinfecting or killing bacteria or germs so caused. So, to maintain hygiene as well as to remove odour, leaving a fresh fragrance, this can be relied upon.
Have a Specific Spot :
If you take the pup out to a particular place regularly, he would gradually start identifying the place as his “toilet place”, from the smell of his urine. This would help him associate the place.
Choose a Specific Word :
While you guide him out for his pee-poo time, choose specific words such as ‘go’ or ‘there’ or anything that you can be consistent with. Eventually, your pooch will start associating these words with actions you expect following those.
Take Them Out Frequently :
When you begin the training, it is a good idea that you take them out more frequently, for two reasons. One, there would be lesser chances of your pup finishing his free-up business indoors. Two, if he does go outside, you get more chances to appreciate and praise the habit. The more frequently that happens, the quicker would be the training. It is always advisable to take him out after eating food. That’s when dogs usually poop or urinate.
Fixed Feeding And Walking Times, Creating A Routine :
You can eventually reduce the frequency of taking them out as your pup learn to control and wait to go out. Throughout the time (and even afterwards, I suggest) keep the feeding times fixed. You may reduce feeding frequency as the pup grow, but make sure you develop a routine. Take the puppy out as soon as you feed him, or after he’s up from a nap, or before a nap-time.
Rewards And Appreciation :
Rewards and express praising hold the most important place in training puppies with anything. Whenever he goes outside, offer him treats, play with him and show him you are happy and appreciate what he did. Eventually, the poo-walks would turn into a fun-time that your dog will look forward to.
Some Products To Potty Train Puppy Fast :
- Pets Empire Dog Training Pads
These dog toilet-training pads come with a super-absorbent, quick –dry surface. Having a 5 layer leak-proof design, these pads converts liquid to gel. The last two layers of the pad that are lined with plastic, would prevent any possible leakage. These are not just useful during the training period of the puppies but is ideal for sick or aged pets as well. Moreover, you can use these during a long travel with your pet too, without having to stop at multiple places. We can say that these can come quite handy for any pet-parent. Pets Empire Dog Training Pads are available in diverse packs.
- Brampton, Simple Solution Potty Training Aid
We’d discussed how the smell plays an important role in fixing puppies toilet-territory. Bramton is a scientifically formulated attractant for dogs, especially helpful for toilet-training young pups.
In the house, you can use the solution on the pads. Using this solution on the pads would make puppies adapt to using pads much easily and quickly. While you take your pup outside, to say, your garden, spray the solution in the region where you’d like him to go.
- Beaphar Puppy Trainer
Beaphar Puppy Trainer is yet another strong solution that can be used to house-train pups. Just like the Bramton Training Aid, you just need to apply a very small proportion of the solution on to the training pads or pup a few drop at the spot where you’d like your pup to go. Dogs will be attracted to its scent and would eventually pick the habit of going to that specific spot.
- Pets Empire Puppy Potty Trainer
This is a three-layer pet toilet mat, designed to particularly ease up the lives of pet parents who live in apartments. Many pet owners these days are too busy to take their dog outside frequently to train them (and to prevent accidents from happening at home). The mat is quite easy to wash- you just need to rinse- and will prevent any foul odours and stains.
FAQ On Puppy/Dog Potty Training :
1. How Long Does It Take To Potty Train A Puppy?
Ans. It might take several weeks, or even a few months to properly toilet train your puppy. On average, house-training a puppy takes anywhere from 3-9 weeks, depending on the breed and nature of the pup you bring home.
2. What Age To Start Potty Training A Puppy?
Ans. You can start house training your pup soon as he reaches the age of 3-4 months.