The Powerful Nose Your Dog Has
An asset: a dog’s nose, to himself and to the owner of the pet. The extent of functionalities with exquisite potential, the dog’s muzzle is of maximum boon and is solicited often for sniff jobs.
It is basically impossible to understand the magnitude of a dog’s sense of smell, especially when compared to humans. You and I smell chocolate cake, for example, but a dog smells the parts of the cake: sugar, flour, eggs, butter, vanilla, salt, etc. Dogs have the ability to layer scent, which is why they can detect your footprints on the floor, even though many other people have walked over your tracks. A dog can smell fingerprints on a wall that are weeks old, which are undetectable to humans. A dog’s whole world is based in scent. Everything has a smell. When you come home from a long day out, odors from everywhere you went that day are picked up by your dog, upon arriving home.
A dog’s nose is an exquisite piece of machinery, capable of smelling in parts per trillion. When making the analogy to human vision, what you and I can see at 1/3 of a mile, a dog could see at more than 3,000 miles away, and see just as clearly. A dog has 300 million scent receptors in his nose, and a human has only 5 million. Not only does a dog have 295 million more scent receptors than us, but relatively speaking, the part of the dog’s brain that is dedicated to analyzing these odors is 40 times greater than ours.
A dog’s sense of smell is up to 100,000 times more acute than ours. Dogs smell with each nostril splitting into two parts, one for smelling, and one for respiration. Scientists say that if you can detect a teaspoon of sugar in your coffee, a dog could detect a teaspoon of sugar in a million gallons of water, or two Olympic-sized pools worth of water. Another scientist made the analogy of a dog being able to catch a whiff of one rotten apple in two million barrels.
A dog is able to smell the hormones you emit when you’re happy, nervous, or scared. A dog does not read your behavior and body language with his eyes, he literally “smells” if you’re happy, or sad. He can pick up on the tiny amounts of perspiration when you are having a stressful thought. Dogs can smell tiny parts of adrenaline that are emitted from your body, making you feel that your dog is psychic, however, these abilities are all scientifically based in a dog’s ability to smell our emotions.
Our Canine Security Services- Marshall Kennel & Dog Security Services.
Website: http://www.marshallsecurity.in