• Dog

    Top 4 Dangerous Dog Breeds

    Just as in the case of us humans, dogs have particular traits and habits that vary from breed to breed. Some breeds can be quite loving and affectionate while others…

  • Dog

    Bollywood Stars And Their Pets

    Check out what dog breeds our beloved superstars have. For them, their pets are not just ‘pets’ but their loyal and best buddies. If you are lucky enough to visit…

  • Dog

    Let Your Puppy Say A Fresh ‘CHEESE’!

    Immanual Kant once quoted,” We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.” Animals are living beings just like us, the only difference being the ability…

  • Dog

    Low Maintenance Dog Breeds

    It is important to understand the grooming and maintenance requirements of a dog before bringing it home. If you feel you cannot spend enough time with your pet but are…

  • Dog

    Top 8 Best Shampoos For Dogs

    Similar to humans, dogs too have problems like dandruff, itchy coat, flaky skin, etc. To solve this predicament, there is a variety of different dog shampoos in the market. Further,…

  • Dog

    Your Zodiac Says…This Dog Part II

    Following up the second half of choice of your fortune. Libra Given the choice between alone time and socializing, Libras will almost always surround themselves with people. In fact, their…

  • Dog

    Pet Licensing In India

    Is there a real necessity to have a license? Yes it is when you are driving…and of course when your pet is beside you, you must carry a license to…

  • Dog

    Pet Toys: Playful Companions

    Dogs are like kids; they need something to engage their attention on, give them a good fun tool and keep them busy, and at the same time improve their physical…

  • Dog

    I Love My Dog……But How?

    Not only do dogs seem to love us back, they actually see us as their family. It turns out that dogs rely on humans more than they do their own…

  • Dog

    Aid Dog Bite At Home

    Everyone adores dogs…..Until they dig their teeth into flesh! Dogs are exceptionally popular pets and for good reasons. They are loyal, friendly, dependable, social and smart animals. They are very…

  • Dog

    Fight Canine Cancer

    “The passion that moves forward is from experiencing what Cancer really does to the ones we love. We are driven because there is a hole in our soul where once…

  • Dog

    Name your pet this way

    Naming a pet is far too much similar to naming your own child. Some people think what is in a name? But here the most important thing we should always…

  • Dog

    Is Your Dog A Velcro Dog?

    Velcro… What is it? Is Velcro a disease? There must be many questions dwindling inside your mind when the word Velcro popped up. There is nothing to worry about seriously…